Welcome to the African Dream Blog!

Inspired by the Combonian missionary father Enrico Colleoni, who has been working in Uganda for the past 40 years, African Dream was founded in 2006 by Vincenzo Baggio and Antonella Benigna.

The goal of our association is to help the less fortunate of Uganda and to assist those people who don't have the means to improve their own lives.
With its commitment, African Dream will raise funds directed entirely to help Uganda.

Our projects will finance activities for the improvement of the educational system, of health care and of the quality of life, especially in the most rural parts of the country.
Our objectives aim at creating better solutions for reducing poverty, famine, illnesses, illiteracy and sexual discrimination.

The first project is the a College for 300 students. We hope to finish the project by the end of 2009.


5‰ for African Dream

Dear African Dreamer,
[this message is dedicated to anyone who need to file income taxes in Italy]
Another year and the time for filing our income tax and to choose for the 5‰ clause comes closer.

Only just one year has gone by since that same Post of 2008 and the Nebbi College is almost finished. It almost seemed like an impossible task but they nevertheless almost finished it!!!

For sure, one day it will all grow bigger but the first part of the school, the one for 160 students, is in the process of being finished.
Like in all Marathons however, the last mile is the most difficult one… it therefor requires a great infusion of energy.
The energy is in the hands of those that are finishing the works at Nebbi, but it also is in the fuel that results from donations.

So, with a fast and simple gesture, the final acceleration may also come from you. By choosing the 5‰ for African Dream when filing your income tax, you are definitely helping to make the dream of the Nebbi youngsters come true!!!

Some useful “instructions”:
“It is possible to transfer 5‰ in favour of the Nonprofit Association and by doing so you will be supporting our initiative to build the school in Nebbi (Uganda). To set apart 5‰ for AFRICAN DREAM Onlus: → sign the area “sostegno del volontariato, delle organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale, delle associazioni di promozione sociale, delle associazioni e fondazioni” (voluntary support of non lucrative organisations with social interest, associations creating social promotions, associations and foundations). → enter the fiscal code of AFRICAN DREAM Onlus: 920209301 into the related space ".

Why African Dream and not whatever another project?
Because here you have witnessed birth, growing and getting to the last mile of a concrete project, a project that today brings a future to 160 Ugandese youngsters!!

Thank you, with all my heart,

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